BMI AU Controller. Select the necessary cards to be able to integrate and automate the modules. ConveyLinx-Ai2, E-Qube-Ai, ConveyLinx-A0, MotionLinx-Ai models.
BMI AU Controller. Select the necessary cards to be able to integrate and automate the modules. ConveyLinx-Ai2, E-Qube-Ai, ConveyLinx-A0, MotionLinx-Ai models.
The ConveyLinx-Ai2 is a high-end, advanced connected motor drive controller that offers many innovative features for Zero Dynamic Pressure (ZPA) or any low voltage brushless DC motor application.
The ConveyLinx-Ai3 is a high-end, advanced connected motor drive controller that offers many innovative features for Zero Dynamic Pressure (ZPA) or any low voltage brushless DC motor application.
E-Qube-Ai is the single motor controller for the Senergy Motorized Roller and Pulse Geared Motor. Both are connected by M8 connectors. The speed and behavior of braking and acceleration can be set or changed dynamically via digital I/O and DIP switches. A motor error can also be read via an output.